Been a while since I've just worked out so today, I guess was spent rather fruitfully...Feels good to perspire out all the grease that I've been chucking into my body like a black hole over the past few days "studying"...haha...well, since I'm going into the army early, guess I should be working out more and getting myself fitter than I already am (which no more than a chocolate munching monkey)....
Anyways, out of randomness, I have noticed how people can be easily classified....
Firstly, there'd be those whom I call "
within-the-line-colourers" basically people who colour within the lines...this type of person is one who
follows the rules, as written in the book, concienciously....terribly hesitant to break any single rule, the "WTLC" is one who would attempt, to the best of his ability, to
uphold the ideals of society but is however too soft-spoken and lily-livered himself to actually attempt to enforce it upon those who does not agree with him...
horrified of the very idea of sparking controversy, his worst nightmare would be having to spend the rest of his life watching films directed by Michael Moore, Martin Durkin and the like...Being a
conformist doesn't always mean that the "WTLC" is condemmed to spend his entire pathetic life slaving under the whips of fact, because they are to apt at following the law and such, many "WTLCs" have risen to power throughout history...famous examples I would include will be Neville Chamberlain (Brit Prime Minister from 1937~1940 who thought Hitler was actually a nice and peace-loving fellow) and mainly several conservative party members...
Next, there are those whom I proudly call the "
out-of-line-colourers"...the "OOLC" is in everyway opposite from the "WTLC"...contented with the idea that it is he who forms society and not vice versa, the "OOTC" is essentially the
rebellious sort who would enthusiastically stand up for any forms of controversy, no matter how outragous they may sound, as long as they
question the very foundation of modern society...he prefers to
question athority rather than to follow it...he doesn't think of anything thing of impossible...rather,
everything and anything is possible...aliens, time travel, big foot and faries are not simply stories of fancy for the "OOTC"...they are open possibilities that stimulates his imagination...the "OOTC" is
most threatened when he feels that his imagination is stifled and when having to follow a structured life...structure is to the "OOTC" like what salt is to an open wound...anarchy is the best kind of government...famous examples of "OOTCs" from the past include Alexander the Great (ex-Macedonian King and Lord of Asia), Hitler (lover of peace and jews and the furer of the Third Reich) and Neopolean Bonaparte (The short French fuck who at one point of time ruled almost all of Europe)...
so which side do you belong to? the stiff-necked, conformists or the imaginative, fun loving, questioning,'s your choice....
Song of The Day : Suburban Knights by Hard-Fi